Phosphoric acid, at various stages of purification, is the main product used for the production of phosphate-based end products:

  • Fertilizers: SSP, GSSP, TSP, SCU

SSP: Simple Super Phosphate comes in the form of powder and is produced by mixing ground phosphate rock and a sulphuric acid solution and then allowing it to react to produce this superphosphate - a mixture of CaSO4 and Ca(H2PO4)2•H2O.

GSSP: The SSP (above mentioned superphosphate) is then granulated to give particles no more than 4 mm in diameter.

TSP: Triple Super Phosphate is:

  • either produced by the action of concentrated phosphoric acid containing 45 - 48% available P2O5 on ground phosphate rock to produce the powder form of TSP. The same process of granulation as GSSP can be performed to granulates,
  • or produced by the action of concentrated phosphoric acid containing 40 - 42% available P2O5 ground phosphate rock to produce granulated form of TSP

TSP production is performed in two steps:

  • Production of phosphoric acid solution by acid attack of the phosphate rocks. The process is a dihydrate route using sulphuric acid solution as acid. The phosphoric acid concentration is 40 to 42% P2O5.
  • Production of TSP granules, by mixing of phosphate rock and above mentioned produced phosphoric acid solution, mixture granulation and drying.

SCU: Sulphur-Coated Urea, is a slow release fertilizer. It is produced by coating urea with sulphur, and encapsuling this inside a sealant. The rate of release of nitrogen is regulated by the choice and thickness of sealant.

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